Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Matthew 6:19-21

I don't know about you, but my motivation comes in waves. One moment I will feel driven to finish everything school-related with the goal of getting an A, but the next I'll just sit there and think, "What good is this going towards?"

We're taught that certain things are important: grades, manners, healthy eating habits, how we dress, who we hang out with... Everyone tells us that each of these things are what we should focus on the most, especially grades. But think for a moment: when it's just you and Jesus standing face-to-face, what will you have done in this life that He will be sincerely proud of?

There is so much that we have put on such high pedestals. We lose track of the fact that none of these accomplishments will go with us to heaven. 

Sure, great grades are important. We all need to focus on getting into good colleges. But who said we needed to dedicate 100% of our being towards it? I know most of us don't always work on getting that A, but I know that my fellow procrastinators are always thinking in the back of our minds: "I have so much to do and I need to do them all perfectly."

Why do earthly things need to be perfect? Whose approval are we trying to gain? Your parents'? Your teacher's? Yours? 

None of the above offer pure joy and love. God did not create you to spend all of your time focused on grades, self-image, and being well-liked. He created you to love. All of the stress in your mind disables you of loving.

Take a moment to think of all of the distractions in your life. Now take another moment to consider all of the distractions that you put on a pedestal. Will these things affect the good you do for others or for God?

“Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal, but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." 
--Matthew 6:19-21

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